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  • HYD #7: Plenty of fire, but who is going to fight them?

HYD #7: Plenty of fire, but who is going to fight them?

Your weekly firefighting news! Served hot and fresh!

Hey Crew!

This week we added a retirees section, plus a wildland section🌲.

Poll of the week: There is a nationwide firefighter recruiting crisis. What about your town?

This Week’s Highlights: 

  • 🔥 Halifax FFs Push Thru Wall of Fire To Save Man

  • 🔫 Chicago Fire Pulls Woman w/GSW From Fire

  • 🪜 Portland, TN FF’s Make Rescues, Cop Feeds Fire 

  • 👩‍🚒 Female FF Cancers Added To Workers Comp.

  • 🐶 Dog Fakes Being Trapped

  • 🤢 New Doc on Firefighter Cancer/PFAS Gear

Fire & Rescue Reports 🔥

Quick Water:

  • 🔥 FFs rescue horse from swimming pool. (Tampa, FL)

  • ⚡️ FFs rescue 7 people in Wall Collapse. (Nigeria)

  • 🐶 FFs rescue women who ran back to get pets. (Louisiana)

  • 🏊‍♂️ FFs awarded for two water rescues. (Marina FD, CA)

  • 🚙 Oklahoma FD adds blankets to battle EV car fires (OKC)

  • 👨‍👧 FDNY FF drowns attempting to rescue daughter (NYC)

Feel Good Stories

Wildland Only 🌲🔥

It’s wild out there: NYC and much of the East Coast of the US look like Burning Man during a dust storm. Now seems like a good time to add a Wildland Section.

A good summary about why Canada had been left to burn? From a Canadian firefighter in the know. “I know you may know, but people need to know and understand that most Canadian wildfire management agencies have fire “zonation” policies similar to Alaska. This means in large areas of their jurisdictions, especially in the northern part of the country, wildfires are left to run there natural course with little or no direct action or suppression….continue.

Hot Shots:

Health & Wellness

Death benefits for Austin firefighter who helped in 9/11 aftermath may be in jeopardy: The City of Austin said a hearing is coming up in July to discuss the amount of money the family of Travis Maher will continue to receive, if any.

Female Specific Cancers Added: Workers’ compensation plans have added cancers that reflect those contracted by female firefighters. Considering the PFAS debacle, it only makes sense that these cancers should be more prevalent in women and require coverage.

Toronto’s Enforcement of Vaccine Possible Unreasonable: In victory for 13 firefighters who lost their jobs over vaccine status, a labour arbitrator ruled that Toronto’s enforcement of its vaccination policy was not reasonable, setting a potential precedent for other fired workers

FDNY Debunks Fake Immigrant Memo: On the mental health front: I can see how this would be a pretty good prank on those of us who are ready to explode, but this job is getting weird enough on its own, we don’t need to add more rumor or gossip.


I retired last week. Since many of you are in my age range, I added this section. If you have news or info others would benefit from, send me the links. Just reply to this email.

Detroit Bankruptcy/Pension Claims Debunked: The article refutes a claim that Detroit's bankruptcy led to pensioners receiving about 48% of their original pensions, stating instead that general workers' pensions saw a 4.5% base cut and an elimination of an annual cost-of-living increase, while firefighter pensions were not cut but their annual cost-of-living adjustments were reduced from 2.25% to about 1%.

California FF Union Invests in Bitcoin: Can Bitcoin save California’s largest pension from its existential problems? California’s largest pension fund has significant unfunded liabilities. Operators owe it to the workforce to explore how Bitcoin can help, says the author.


Mental Health Resource? Career departments should have an EAP. It’s surprising how many firefighters are unaware of this resource. But what about volunteers. Try this: Share The Load

Thanks! This was a long one. If you have stories or ideas, reply to this email. Happy Sunday!